Tag: yr 4

Spy Mouse

One day there was a tiny white mouse who lived in a small house. His name was bob. The mouse was so tiny that he could walk steel staff without no one noticing. Once he stole a very very special  diamond ring even though no one noticed not even one person.  But one day he got caught by someone. It was an old man who was a karate master. He could catch anything with chopsticks also with closed eyes. He could kick people’s bum bum. The mouse was about to steal 10 million$  but the old man caught him. He had to go to jail. In jail the mouse was really angry.


Immersion Recount Draft.

Term 4  Immersion Assembly


On  Monday morning we had an assembly but not just any assembly like on fridays. It was a Monday immersion assembly. where the teachers were going to perform their funny and silly moves. It was the year 1,2,3,4,5.6 teachers that performed. They kind of did the same thing but a little different. First was the year 1 teachers they did a performance about a superhero